Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Just A Quick Nap in your room...PLEASE!!!

She doesn’t sleep in her room. She sleeps with me which means I don’t sleep. Something has to give. How I made it through grad school with a 3 year old’s foot in my rib cage every night I will never know. Well, I do know… it was comforting and endearing. It was sweet and it still is; but, it is also time for her to sleep in her own bed. I would love to get some more blogs post out but none of that can happen if I am not getting some sleep! Let the makeover begin!

Where do I start?

As if an angel heard me asking that question, I get an email from the Baltimore Museum of Art. They are looking for a few folks and families to participate in a project where you borrow some art! They just launched a project called Home Stories created for the Imagining Home exhibition opening in October 2015. Participants will take home a full-size reproduction of a work of art from the exhibition to display in their homes for approximately one month. We can put the art up anywhere in the home and then after a month, a video team from the BMA comes to our home and interviews our family about the experience of living with the work. 

Here I am in a major overhaul of the little Goddesses’ room and the BMA is passing out art for people to live with! There were three options to choose from:

A Quick Nap by Walter Henry Williams

Steerage by Alfred Stieglitz

A selection from Jim Goldberg’s Rich and Poor series

A few others.

Well…I have a little ball of light in the form of a 3 year old girl who won’t sleep in her room for the life of me…guess which piece of suggestive art work I chose?

Yep, you guessed it!

A Quick Nap by Walter Henry Williams!

We are revamping the entire room to make it an educational wonderland with a sleep cove that can’t be refused.  She has out grown EVERYTHING in there so it all has to be re-purposed or replaced.

That being said…my post grad school life equals a budget.

However, a budget never stopped me from living the high life before. I just scored a piece from the BMA for a month!! The budget Goddesses are already blessing me!!

In addition, I’ve got my Pinterest board on hand, I have got you to chime in with a few suggestions and this new piece of art to work the walls! Stay tuned as we curate this little girl’s space and get this mommy some sleep.